I thought I’d try something new out in Java today, relating to inheritance.

There are a couple sorting algorithms that can be implemented in terms of the generic List, and I currently have these implemented in terms of a named List type. What I want is to be able to do something like genericList.bubbleSort() in code.

Extension Methods

In C#, extension methods are just static methods created for existing classes. So if I wanted List to have a BubbleSort method, and cannot change its source code, then I would just create an extension method for it:

public static class ListExtensions {
    public static void BubbleSort<T>(this List<T> list, Func<T, T, int> comparer) {
        // Implementation

Now in the rest of my code, I would just include the namespace that this extension method lives under to write something like this:

public void DoStuff() {
    List<Narwhal> narwhals;
    // ...
    narwhals.BubbleSort((a, b) => {
        if (a.TuskLength > b.TuskLength)
            return 1;
        else if (a.TuskLength < b.TuskLength)
            return -1;
        return 0;
    // ...

Extending Java Classes

After a bit of research on this, I don’t see any easy way to do this in Java. Project Lombok has a library with an @ExtensionMethod annotation, but I’d like to avoid importing libraries that I’d only use once.

Instead, there are a couple ways I’ve found to extend the List interface:

  • Subclassing
  • Static Methods


This was probably the worst way to achieve my goal, but I’ll include it anyways since it was a fun experiment.

By extending the List interface, a new interface could be created: SortableList. Here, I can take advantage of the List methods without having to implement the entire interface (which would only redirect to the base List).

In this new interface, I can declare and define default implementations of the sorting algorithms:

public interface SortableList<T> extends List<T> {
    default void bubbleSort(BiFunction<T, T, Integer> comparer) {
        // Implementation

    default void mergeSort(BiFunction<T, T, Integer> comparer) {
        // Implementation

Now if I wanted to use this class on a Vector, for example, I would need something like this somewhere:

public class SortableVector<T> 
        extends Vector<T> 
        implements SortableList<T> { }

As you can probably tell, this has quite a few drawbacks. First, what’s going on with SortableList? It’s an interface, but has default implementations for both of its methods.

Also, who wants to declare a new class for every type of list, just to use two methods?

Interfaces don’t allow for private methods, so any duplicate code cannot be extracted without either exposing it to clients or putting it in another helper class.

Static Methods

Static methods are more than likely the route I will decide to go on. First, I need to place static implementations in a class, which will accept a List and comparer as parameters.

public class Sorting {
    public static <T> void bubbleSort(List<T> list, BiFunction<T, T, Integer> comparer) {
        // Implementation

    public static <T> void mergeSort(List<T> list, BiFunction<T, T, Integer> comparer) {
        // Implementation

Now in my client code, I can import this Sorting class and use its methods on any type of List.

public void doStuff() {
    Vector<Integer> vectorList;
    ArrayList<Narwhal> arrayList;
    // ...
    Sorting.bubbleSort(vectorList, Integer::compare);
    Sorting.mergeSort(arrayList, (a, b) -> {
        if (a.tuskLength > b.tuskLength)
            return 1;
        else if (a.tuskLength < b.tuskLength)
            return -1;
        return 0;

This implementation is much more lightweight. I can create private helper methods in the Sorting class and do not need to create additional classes in order to utilize these functions.