Today I was working on a bug that was caused by my component not utilizing the most recent rendering of a resource. After messing around a bit with the component’s parameters, I realized the problem and how it needed to be fixed.

Let’s say I have a person map with the following structure:

{:kind           :person
 :name           "Ronald McDonald"
 :age            42
 :favorite-color "red"}

Now let’s say I have this component that changes the name of a person:

(defn name-input [person]
  (let [person-atom (reagent/atom person)]
    (fn []
         {:type "text"
          :on-change (partial change-name person-atom)
          :value     (:name @person-atom)}]]])))

As this component currently exists, any time the textbox is changed, some sort of update will occur. So if the text is changed to Ronald Reagen, then person-atom will be updated with the name, Ronald Reagen, and further updates can be sent over to a server for further processing.

Now what if somewhere else in the code, the age was changed to 35? How does that affect our current data? Well, our name-input was initialized with the entire person, in the person-atom. So this will not change and will retain 42 as the age.

Our data is inconsistent–This is not good! In one part of the code, the age is 35 but in another part it’s still 42! What can we do to solve this? Notice how in our component, we’re returning a function.

This function can take parameters, which will be identical to the parameters passed into the name-input function. Each time the component is re-rendered, the latest person will be passed into that function.

So instead of creating a person-atom, let’s create an atom for the name and pass both the person and the name in to the :on-change function.

(defn name-input [person]
  (let [name (reagent/atom (:name person))]
    (fn [person]
         {:type "text"
          :on-change (partial change-name person name)
          :value     @name}]]])))

And that’s it! Now any time our component is re-rendered, our :on-change function will have a person that is consistent with the rest of the application.