Forcing Components to Render in Reagent
I ran into an issue with Reagent the other day where some if my components weren’t rendering properly on update. Here’s the general component structure I was working with.
(defn user-info [user]
[:h5 (:name user)]
[:img {:src (:avatar user)}]])
(defn home []
[:h1 "Hello, world!"]
[user-info (current-user)]])
What ended up fixing this was just changing the way user-info
was being called in home
(defn home []
[:h1 "Hello, world!"]
(user-info (current-user))])
By using the square brackets []
, user-info
was being rendered
as its own component. However, by calling it as a function instead
using parentheses, it now becomes part of the home
This means that each time home
is re-rendered, user-info
is re-rendered along with it.
I was a bit confused at first why this worked over calling it as
a component. My guess is that the change to user-info
was so
small that Reagent didn’t think to re-render it.
In any case, exchanging the square brackets for parentheses fixed my issue. So if you’re running into the same issue, try doing that if you don’t absolutely need your component to be rendered as its own component.