Today I was working with a team member on displaying the first letter of a textarea as a capital. While there are some tricks with CSS you can use to achieve this using the text-transform attribute, these tricks stop working at our textarea.

However, this minor setback didn’t stop us! Rather than trying to style this input with a first capital letter, we can just take what the user types and capitalize that!

(defn capitalize [text]
  (if (= 0 (count text))
    (str (s/upper-case (subs text 0 1)) (subs text 1))))

With the first condition, we’re handling the case where the string is empty. This is because (subs "" 1) and (subs "" 0 1) will throw an out-of-bounds exception since it’s looking for a string position that doesn’t exist.

Now we can apply this function to our textarea to capitalize our strings!

(defn- capitalized-textarea [{:keys [text]} _]
  (let [text-atom (reagent/atom (capitalize text))]
    (fn []
       {:value     @text-atom
        :on-change #(reset! text-atom (capitalize (forms/eventv %)))}])))