UI and design has always been one difficult for me, and when working in React, Semantic UI React was always a nice go-to for building responsive user interfaces. However, Semantic UI doesn’t have a Clojure/Hiccup version in GitHub.

Although the CSS and JS files can always be imported into a project and used in the Hiccup options…

(defn home []
  [:div {:class "ui center aligned container"}
   [:h1 {:class "ui header"} "Tacos"]
   [:div {:class "ui buttons"}
    [:button {:class "ui primary button"} "Submit"]
    [:button {:class "ui secondary button"} "Cancel"]]])

…it would be nice to be able to build the UI like this…

(defn home []
  [container {:text-align :center}
   [header {:as :h1} "Tacos"]
    [button {:primary true} "Submit"]
    [button {:secondary true} "Cancel"]]])

I’m not quite sure if this is really an improvement though–while this results in writing less code, there are some redundancies around the :primary and :secondary flags’ true values. Maybe there’s a better way to set these flags in the component.

Something like this might be okay, but it sort of veers away from your typical Hiccup syntax of [name options-map & content].

(defn home []
  [container {:text-align :center}
   [header {:as :h1} "Tacos"]
    [button :primary "Submit"]
    [button :secondary "Cancel"]]])

In any case, I’ve started experimenting with what a Clojure library for Semantic UI might look like.

The idea is that there would be a library fully written in cljc and be usable in both clj and cljs files, as there may be some instances when you need to generate HTML on the server.

This should be independent of any other framework or library like Reagent, but should also be extendable with these libraries (or any other Clojure code). Ideally, the core of this project would be dependent solely on clojure.core.

To start out, I’m just going to implement several Semantic UI components and test them out in a dummy project to see if it would even be worth implementing the rest of the interface.