I have some Java code that I’m trying to get my Clojure code to work with, but one of the main functions require an argument of type java.util.function.Function.

I had originally thought that maybe Clojure functions would automatically conform to the Function interface, but this is not the case. So how do we handle this situation?

One option is to use deftype to implement the Function interface, which just has one method: apply

(deftype Func [f]
  Function (apply [_ arg] (f arg)))

(defn say-hi [greeting]
    (->Func #(str greeting " " % ", from deftype!"))))

=> (say-hi "Hello")
"Hello World, from deftype!"

However, creating a new type seems like a bit much for our use. Func is really just a wrapper for the Function interface. Instead, what we could use here is reify to make our function look like a Java function.

(defn say-hi [greeting]
    (reify Function 
      (apply [_ name] (str greeting " " name ", from reify!")))))

=> (say-hi "Greetings")
"Greetings World, from reify!"

There doesn’t seem to be much of a difference between reify and deftype, except that reify can be used inline while deftype must be defined outside the function.

This can be very useful when testing a function that depends on another interface. It allows you to mock out different scenarios without having to create tons of deftypes.

Or suppose you only needed to use a type for one part of your code, and never used that type again. This would be a good use for reify.

At the very least, if you needed a private type, you’d be able to do so with defn- reify.