A few days ago I discussed a recursive algorithm for calculating the number of combinations given any set of values. After implementing this in Clojure, this resulted in some clunky code.

The Recursive Version

This got my Euler problem working, but there’s a lot going on here:

  • The comment at the top that nobody will want to read
  • The vague function and variable names
  • The if statement at the top (why is that there…?)
; combo-count implements a generic function to find the
; number of unique combinations given any set of values,
; where N represents the number that a given value repeats itself:
; F(Nn...Nm) = Nn(F(Nn+1...Nm) + 1) + F(Nn+1...Nm)
(defn combo-count [group-counts]
  (if (empty? group-counts)
    ; rest-count represents F(Nn+1...Nm)
    (let [rest-count (combo-count (rest group-counts))]
      (+ (* (first group-counts)
            (inc rest-count))

The Loop Version

Almost every recursive function can be implemented as a loop, but how am I going to do that? I need the last values of the recursion in order to determine the end result, right?

Well, it turns out that order doesn’t exactly matter with this function. So rather than starting from the end, we can start from the top and work backwards instead.

To do this, we would take the formula as if it had only two parameters and pass in the next group count and the accumulated total.

(defn- combos-of-two [A B]
  (+ (* A (inc B)) B))

(defn count-combinations [values]
  (loop [total 0
         [next & rest-frequencies] (map second (frequencies values))]
    (if next
      (recur (combos-of-two next total) rest-frequencies)

This version is much better than the recursive form. We have a more descriptive name, and we can accept a collection of values instead of a collection of “group-counts”.

The Reduce Version

While this version works fine, it can still be made better. All this loop is doing is performing an operation on each item in a list and returning some accumulated value. This happens to be something that reduce is great at!

What we want to do here is reduce that combos-of-two function over the collection of frequencies. We’ll also have to update the combos function to handle the case when values is empty.

(defn- combos-of-two
  ([] 0)
  ([A B] (+ (* A (inc B)) B)))

(defn count-combinations [values]
  (reduce combos-of-two (map second (frequencies values))))

And that should be it! Using reduce, we are able to get leave out just about every unnecessary detail in our function; we are left with just the core combos-of-two function and the frequencies of each value.