I’ve been working on improving a feature that has a couple large bugs around it. After adding some functionality, the bugs seem to scream a little more than before, and I’m not quite at the point where I can start working on a fix for them.

So now I’m faced with a situation where I have a new feature, but it can’t be released until the other bugs are resolved. What can we do in this sort of situation?

Well, one option would just be to hide the buggy part of the code. If the user can’t interact with it, then the bugs can’t bug anyone from the user’s point of view! However, if the feature is hidden, then we kinda lose out on an entire feature. So I suppose this would be a decision to bring to the customer to weigh out the pros and cons of doing this.

In any case, the option is there to hide the buggy code from the view until it’s ready to be released.